The Most Frequent Uses of Personal Loans

The Most Frequent Uses of Personal Loans A personal loan is a way to make significant things happen. It can help you take control of your finances and streamline your debt, or finance something big. If you're curious about the most common uses of personal loans, or how

5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Online Fraud

What is Online Fraud? Online Fraud is fraud committed using the internet. It can involve financial fraud and identity theft. Online fraud comes in many forms. It is any kind of deception, scam, or crime that results in the loss of personal data, including the loss of

Understanding APR and How It Works

Understanding APR & How It Works When it comes to credit, understanding APR is really important. If you are interested in taking out a loan, it's vital that you understand what APR means. Lenders and brokers extend credit, so you can pay back purchases, but they don

Understanding Your Payslip

Understanding your payslip Understanding your payslip can be a little difficult at times, if you're not familiar with all the terms and jargon. So we're here to help you with understanding your payslip and what it shows. A payslip shows how much your employer has paid

How to Talk About Money with Your Partner

How to Talk About Money With money lying at the root of so many relationship breakdowns, we're sharing some advice to help you talk honestly about money with your partner. They say that money can’t buy you happiness, and while that’s certainly true, a lack of money

A Guide to Manchester Christmas Markets

Manchester Christmas Markets: 20 Years of Festivity Christmas is coming and there's only one way Manchester can kick off the holiday season: the Manchester Christmas Markets! Set in the heart of the city, the Manchester Christmas Market is packed full of festive cheer.

How to Face Your Scariest Financial Fears this Halloween

Facing Your Financial Fears: Are your debts haunting you? With Halloween on the horizon, it’s time to be prepared for scary movies on TV, ghosts and ghouls, and trick-or-treating at your door. However, if you think Freddy Kruger and Michael Myers are scary…. they

Unsecured Loan or Private Health Insurance?

Pros and Cons of Private Health Insurance Health insurance is vital, whichever route you take. You can either plan for it with monthly premiums on insurance or get hit with an unexpected problem. However, any unplanned issue either puts you on a waiting list for years

I’ve Got Bad Credit, Why Can’t I Get a Loan?

I've Got Bad Credit, Why Can't I Get a Loan? Not being able to get a loan can be frustrating. Not only could it stop you from doing some of those nice things in life, such as going on that holiday you've always wanted to go on or buying a brand new car or even some of

Sandwich Generation: Caring For Parents and Kids

Sandwich Generation: Caring For Parents and Kids It can get very tough looking after your parents and your kids at the same time. We live in an age where every other person is dealing with the same stress and anxiety from having to look after so many people