Santander Loan Alternative

It’s always sensible to shop around when looking for a personal loan. To find the best rate and repayment schedule that works for you. We know there are a lot of alternative providers out there. So we’re looking at how a personal loan from Simple Personal Loans compares to a similar loan from Santander Bank.

Both Simple Personal Loans and Santander Bank offer cash for many financial situations but the loans Santander Bank offers and the way they work are slightly different.

Eligibility for a loan with Simple Personal Loans or Santander Bank

Eligibility requirements for a personal loan or unsecured loan are often very similar across the industry. To apply for a loan, you must be at least 18 years old, a UK resident and have an active bank account. You must also have a stable source of income.

Whereas with Santander Bank, you are eligible if you’re 21 or over and live in the UK permanently, you must have a regular yearly income of £6,000+.

Both brokers will also ask you to provide personal information. Such as your name and home address, a breakdown of your income and outgoings, as well as your bank details, when you apply.

Loan Comparison

Here, we’ve shown how Simple Personal Loans measures up alongside a similar loan from Santander.

santander loan alternative

**For Santander Bank, to be eligible for loans above £20,000 you must be an existing customer. So if you’re after a loan between £20,000 to £35,000, Simple Personal Loans could be the better option for you.

Are you wanting an alternative to Santander?

Here at Simple Personal Loans, we can help you with exactly what you need. As you can see from the comparison table above, we are very similar to each other. In other words, the main difference is that we seem to be more flexible and offer you more. Another bonus from Simple Personal Loans is that we can help you with bad credit loans, unlike major banks and organisations. To find out more about other loans click here.

Want to apply for a personal loan through Simple Personal Loans? Apply now and start your application today – you could have the money you need for your financial situation sooner than you think.

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